Sunday, December 23, 2007

ILP (Independent Learning Project)

Finally, I got my own topic ^_^

" Working title: The effect of the 1997 Asian crisis on Thai corporate governance "

This paper will outline the Asian economies prior to the crisis, how the crisis happened, why corporate governance is one of the critical root causes to the crisis, and the reform effort in regards to corporate governance that the East Asian countries have been practicing since 1997 to stimulate growth. The focus of the paper will be the discussion of corporate governance practice in Thailand, one of the countries tremendously affected by the Asian crisis and also where the crisis had its origin. The corporate governance of Thailand prior to 1997 will be outlined in terms of fairness, accountability and transparency. The concentrated family ownership and lack of regulatory frame work and enforcement will be explained as the flaws to the poor governance practices in Thailand prior to the crisis. Since the crisis, Thailand has been improving its corporate governance structure. These changes will be discussed in length in terms of fairness, accountability and transparency. The paper will be concluded with an update on how Thai market is functioning now with its continuing implementation of corporate governance reforms.